Monday, October 6, 2008


I finished radiation about five weeks ago. I have felt pretty crappy ever since. Lots of headaches, nausea and fatigue. This past week they put me on some new drugs to help out. Basically consisting of steroids and a different nausea medication. I have felt much better the last two or three days. I received another CT scan and and another MRI. Results showed that the spots on the brain are still there, but they are small and not growing. The spots on the lungs are also still there but seem to be about the same. So the oncologist says we are stable right now and we will continue with the same treatments. So things are good right now. Take care. -Eric

1 comment:

Brentster said...

That's great news Eric! I think of you and your family often, It is incredible your families strength through this challenge in all of your lives. It is truely moving on how a family can pull together and have a positive attitude.
Thanks for being my friend!