Monday, August 9, 2010

Not so good news

The doctor ran a number of tests this past week trying to figure out why I am retaining fluids. My feet and knees are swollen, and my belly is always tight and uncomfortable. The tests did not yield any conclusive results on the fluids, however one new thing was revealed. The cancer has spread to my my Liver. There are a number of tumors in my Liver, the largest, is about 1.5 inches in diameter. I don't know much more than that right now. I have many more questions for the doctor, whom we will see in few days. It's very likely that we will start a different chemotherapy drug and stop taking the one I am taking now. I am still experiencing a lot of pain due to the tumor on my spine. The pain is mostly managed with pain medication. I radiation treatments continue. I have three more doses of radiation to treat the tumor on my spine. I have not noticed any difference yet in my leg strength or ability to walk. I still have to use a walker for stability and safety. Hoping for the best. -Eric


Jeff and Brittney said...

I really hope the new medicine is helpful! Did you have to get radiation on the weekends with this last 10 day round? You must be exhausted with all the visits, check ups, and bad news! I am so sorry you are experiencing all this! I wish I could take it away and that you could dance around in the front yard with out any trouble! Please remember we continue to pray for you. The boys pray for you and often ask to go back to CO. I'm sending you a BIG HUG! We love you! We love you! We love you!

Love, Britt

Unknown said...

I am hopeful that you will rebound back soon. Your updates still have a lot of humor and sounds trivial...which shows your strength and determination. Our Best wishes.


Loree2u said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry you have to struggle through this but as it was noted before you show great strength, determination and love with the humor you show in your blog. God be with you.


Lorée and kids