Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My hair

Today I had to comb my hair for the first time in 6 months. I actually had to put a little hair gel in since it is so "long". It's looking pretty good.

The neck and head aches have continued to be an issue. We discussed this with the doctor in our last visit and she seemed a little concerned. She has scheduled an MRI of my head to make sure that nothing unusual is going on up there.

Take care. -Eric

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Now every morning I wake up my body is stiff and sore, not sure why. I went to a massage therapist last week and that seemed to help a little. The therapist recommended that I try some yoga to stretch out my muscles. I found a yoga TV program on PBS, so I have been getting up early and doing it the past few days. I have discovered that I am quite possibly the most inflexible man in the world:) This yoga stuff is hard, and it hurts. But I have to admit it does make my body feel better when I am done. Take care. -Eric