Sunday, August 29, 2010


I started a new round of Chemotherapy last week. This included the new chemotherapy drugs that they have identified. Side effects so far are nausea, fatigue, (I'll spare you the bowel movement details), and a general feeling of crappiess. I also started physically therapy on my leg last week. Both of these new treatments together make me very tired. The fatigue is expected from the chemotherapy drugs. The physical therapy exercises on the surface appear easy, however it is surprising how little my right leg can do. The leg fatigues extremely quickly and doesn't do much at all. They gave me one or two exercises that I can do at home, scheduled more office visits for additional therapy going forward, and recommended some endurance training on a stationary exercise bike. I now own a recumbent exercise bike at home that I can use to help speed up this process. Well the kids are in bed now, which means it way past my bedtime. Take care, and wish me luck. -Eric

Friday, August 20, 2010

New stuff

I had an appointment with my oncologist today. The biggest thing we learned was that I will be stopping my current chemotherapy drugs and starting a new set of chemotherapy drugs. Given that the cancer has been spreading recently (in my spine, and my liver); the oncologist was not happy with the progress of my current chemotherapy drug (Alimta). The new chemotherapy drugs I will be put on are Gemcitabine and Navelbine. Both of these drugs target lung cancer, and other types of cancers. The side effects of the new drugs are expected to be more harsh than what I am currently experiencing (fatigue, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, flu-like symptoms, low blood counts, diarrhea, mouth sores, hair loss, shortness of breath etc.) All the usual suspects. I will be starting the new drugs next week. Additionally my oncologist will be sending me to Denver to see if there are any chemotherapy drug trials that may be of benefit in my situation.
I finished the radiation treatments on the Tumor on my spine last week. We won't know how successful it was until I get another MRI in a few weeks. Currently the pain in my back and leg is under control through pain killers. Walking is still very difficult and requires a walker to prevent falls. My legs are still very weak, and my right leg is virtually non functional. I will be starting physical therapy in hopes to get the strength back in my legs and hopefully get back to walking soon. -Eric

Monday, August 9, 2010

Not so good news

The doctor ran a number of tests this past week trying to figure out why I am retaining fluids. My feet and knees are swollen, and my belly is always tight and uncomfortable. The tests did not yield any conclusive results on the fluids, however one new thing was revealed. The cancer has spread to my my Liver. There are a number of tumors in my Liver, the largest, is about 1.5 inches in diameter. I don't know much more than that right now. I have many more questions for the doctor, whom we will see in few days. It's very likely that we will start a different chemotherapy drug and stop taking the one I am taking now. I am still experiencing a lot of pain due to the tumor on my spine. The pain is mostly managed with pain medication. I radiation treatments continue. I have three more doses of radiation to treat the tumor on my spine. I have not noticed any difference yet in my leg strength or ability to walk. I still have to use a walker for stability and safety. Hoping for the best. -Eric